#whatiburnfor by Chris Morris

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=337766207233116 “For me personally, I feel that God has called me to take the stones out of the road, to build up a highway to intimacy with God. I feel this invitation, this charge in my spirit to rebuild the connection between man and God for intimacy.” Christ Morris @tribeofmorris The scripture says: “Whatever comes …

Read more#whatiburnfor by Chris Morris

#whatiburnfor https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=337766207233116 “For me

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=337766207233116 “For me personally, I feel that God has called me to take the stones out of the road, to build up a highway to intimacy with God. I feel this invitation, this charge in my spirit to rebuild the connection between man and God for intimacy.” Christ Morris @tribeofmorris The scripture says: “Whatever comes …

Read more#whatiburnfor https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=337766207233116 “For me

Chris Morris, director of

Chris Morris, director of YWAM Kelowna, talks about what she burns for: Rebuilding connection between man and God for intimacy. She explains her perspective on one of the YWAM core values: “To know God and to make Him known” and some of the first foundations of any DTS: “Hearing the voice of God” and “Relating …

Read moreChris Morris, director of