
Our Team

With a passion for the presence of God and a desire to make His name known, meet our team.

Pass on what you heard from me—the whole congregation saying Amen!—to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others.  

2 Timothy 2:2 


To book any of our staff to speak at your base, church, and or group, contact us.

Graeme Morris


After leaving Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Graeme and his wife directed and planted various supernatural schools around the world. After completing his DTS in Kelowna, Graeme co-directs YWAM Kelowna with his wife Chris.

Graeme is passionate about creating and contributing to a sustained generation-transcendent-revival and creating opportunities for people to personally encounter God in all His goodness.

Graeme speaks on the following subjects:

  • Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) for ministry organizations
  • Character and Nature of God
  • Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts
  • Jesus & the Cross
  • 5 Fold Ministry
  • Relationships
  • Prophetic Ministry
  • Healing Ministry
  • Pioneering (Church and or School Planting)
  • Sovereignty & Freedom
  • Wholehearted Sexuality

Graeme is a wholehearted-sexuality-coach for men, hosting local and online small groups for pastors and individuals. BraveTestimony.com

Graeme represents YWAM Kelowna on the board of YWAM Canada Inc. and volunteers his time to assist the YWAM Kelowna staff in marketing, vision, project management, graphic design, and various school planting activities.

Consider sponsoring the work Graeme does.

Christina Morris


Since her DTS at Holmsted Manor, England, Chris married Graeme, became Mom to three world-changers and attended Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. As part of their calling to build-up, equip and activate Jesus-followers, they planted schools of ministry locally and internationally.

Chris speaks on the following subjects:

  • Father Heart of God
  • Supernatural Lifestyle
  • Identity and Authority in Christ
  • Inner Healing
  • Worship
  • Relationships (with Graeme)

Chris is also available to lead worship

Christina is a school director, mother to many, steadfast friend, pioneer, teacher, and worship leader. Christina inspires us all to ‘linger longer’ in God’s presence. Filled with conviction, she believes God has called her to create a dwelling place for Him in worship.

Consider sponsoring the work Chris does.

Mae Clowe


Mae is a passionate, hope-filled, preaching evangelist who longs to see people set free and ignited in their faith! After a radical conversion experience at 39 years old, Mae was totally set free from alcohol and a dysfunctional lifestyle as the Lord showed her how to be transformed by the renewing of her mind. Leading her to Kelowna and 3 years of supernatural ministry school, the Lord opened Mae’s eyes to her identity in Christ and into a Holy Spirit led walk of supernatural power.

Mae longs to give this same empowerment away to all believers, making them aware of who they are and who they carry within them. Mae’s passion to equip the body of Christ has taken her to many nations, leading and co-leading teams to preach, teach and prophesy and make disciples of all nations.

Mae speaks on the following subjects:

  • Identity
  • Revivalist Stories
  • Intercession

Consider sponsoring the work Mae does.

James Dykstra


James is a dynamic, hope-filled leader who is on a mission to see people come alive in their faith and fully embrace their God-given identity! With a heart ignited by his experiences in YWAM, James has journeyed from the stunning shores of Tauranga, New Zealand, to various provinces across Canada, including Quebec, Alberta, and now beautiful British Columbia!

Having led and staffed Disciple Training Schools and immersed himself in the transformative teachings of the School of Biblical Studies and the School of Supernatural Missions, James is deeply committed to awakening the potential within others. His passion is to help individuals discover who God is and who He created them to be, empowering them to live out their divine calling!

James speaks on the following subjects:

  • Calling: Unveiling your unique purpose.
  • Lordship of Jesus: Walking in surrender and obedience.
  • Team Dynamics and Development: Building unity and strength in community.
  • Debriefing: Reflecting for deeper growth after missions.
  • Re-entry from Missions: Navigating the transition back home.
  • Leading Healthy Missions Trips: Equipping teams for impactful journeys.

Alongside his wonderful wife, Becky, James’s heart is to equip believers to step into their calling, investing in healthy team dynamics, leading missions trips, and guiding teams through debriefing to ensure they learn, grow, and experience God’s heart for the nations.


Elders that guide, advise, and validate our prophetic sense, as we listen and obey God.

Paul Martinson

Tim Hart

Chuck and Bobby Hamm


We are overjoyed to have the following incredible people with rich God stories and ministry experience as our spiritual elders: Tim Hart, Chuck and Bobby Hamm, and Paul Martinson

David Michiel

Prophet to YWAM Kelowna

Receiving a prophet … as a Prophet!

As we reflect on the prophetic words spoken over YWAM Kelowna it’s evident that we are surrounded by incredible prophetic voices. Many individuals have spoken prophetically into YWAM Kelowna, either energized by the Holy Spirit in the moment or through a resident Holy Spirit gift. Some have even done so through their Holy Spirit-empowered work of service. This latter group is often referred to as those called to minister in a specific way to a specific people. Pure scriptural work says ‘Diakonia’ means ‘ministry; active service, done with a willing (voluntary) attitude. Spirit-empowered service guided by faith (4102 /pístis, “the Lord’s inbirthed persuasion”).’
We recognize David Michiel as a person who has faithfully served in the ministry of Prophet to YWAM Kelowna. Many of his prophetic words have come to pass, are accurate, and have been giving with a sincere, humble, servant heart.
READ: Matt10:41, 1 Cor 12:4-11, and Prov 18:16 – your gift makes room for you in YWAM Kelowna.


Stace and Christie Crandall

The Crandal’s are currently working as itinerant missionaries sent from YWAM Kelowna.

Consider sponsoring the work Stace and Christie do.

Heather Walker

Heather works as a missionary pastoring and educating refugees through ESL.