
To ignite or kindle, excite, spark or cause to burn …
… faith inspiring faith!

To ignite

  1. to set afire also: kindle | to cause (a fuel) to burn*
  2. to subject to fire or intense heat especially : to render luminous by heat*
  3. to heat up: excite … | to set in motion: spark ignite a debate*
    *Mirriam Webster ➜

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Ignition occurs …

… when the heat from one reaction is hot enough to sustain another reaction.

ignite is our way of sharing the white-hot core of our schools with other communities to inspire another reaction.

Invite a fiery team …

… from YWAM Kelowna to run a mini-supernatural-school in your community.

ignite: a set of custom, focused, immersive, 2-3 week training workshops and experiences to grow faith and hope in your community.

Activate your community.

Workshop topics typically include evangelism, prophecy, and physical and emotional healing.

You can expect times of teaching, ministry, worship, prayer, and activation – including local outreach to encourage all the firestarters.

Invite ignite to your community!


The first step is to invite a team to come to your community.

We prayerfully consider each invitation, in terms of timing, relationship, length, schedule, focus, topics, etc.

The specific topics and focus of each ignite are carefully tailored to each community through prayer and consultation.


We work with the host community to facilitate the best experience for the host community and our team members.

Each team member raises their own support for their trip expenses.

Offerings and support are appreciated, but not expected.

Rinse and Repeat

Freely we have received …

We work with communities, during ignite and after, to reproduce the experience and teaching within their greater community.

A brief history of our ignite!

Inspired by their time at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Chris, Graeme and a team of 2nd year BSSM students, designed a program to make the BSSM experience more portable and accessible. The goal was to create an opportunity for more believers to experience the supernatural work of Holy Spirit within their church or community.

For several years now we have taken teams, by invitation, to different Christian communities around the world to do our part in spreading revival fire. We can see that God is kindling the fire of faith in believers as they hunger for an authentic move of God.

We started calling these events “ignite“.

Since joining YWAM and specifically grafting into what YWAM Mendocino has been pioneering, it was our joy to find that they too had been running these types of events for several years.

Spark a movement

ignite your community today!