Smiles all round. Our

Smiles all round. Our staff meetings are full of laughter. What story do you think @tribeofmorris is telling here to make us laugh? . . @stevebacklund @wendycbacklund . .

Remember this song? This

Remember this song? This is our purpose, equipping and activating believers to let their light shine. Core to our Burning LIghts DTS is the idea that we don’t just reflect Jesus, Jesus shines through us when we let Him. “Hide it under a bush? Oh no!” Your testimony is POWERFUL! They overcame him (the devil) …

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Remember this song? This

Remember this song? This is our purpose, equipping and activating believers to let their light shine. Core to our Burning LIghts DTS is the idea that we don’t just reflect Jesus, Jesus shines through us when we let Him. “Hide it under a bush? Oh no!” Your testimony is POWERFUL! They overcame him (the devil) …

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Amen! Faith is the

Amen! Faith is the action that overflows from knowing God, and how well you know Him. Faith is the substance of things hoped for …the evidence of things unseen. Faith comes from knowing God; Knowing God is hope; hope is the intense expectation of God’s goodness to be manifested. Hope is strengthened when we experience …

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Amen! Faith is the

Amen! Faith is the action that overflows from knowing God, and how well you know Him. Faith is the substance of things hoped for …the evidence of things unseen. Faith comes from knowing God; Knowing God is hope; hope is the intense expectation of God’s goodness to be manifested. Hope is strengthened when we experience …

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Meet Dayne and Jamie

Meet Dayne and Jamie Klassen- Burning Lights DTS Staff. Dayne finds adventure wherever he goes, especially when it comes to hiking to waterfalls or shredding down the snowy mountainside. He first discovered true freedom in Christ in 2012 on a DTS on the sunny coast of Australia. Since his DTS, he’s pursued his love for …

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Meet Dayne and Jamie

Meet Dayne and Jamie Klassen- Burning Lights DTS Staff. Dayne finds adventure wherever he goes, especially when it comes to hiking to waterfalls or shredding down the snowy mountainside. He first discovered true freedom in Christ in 2012 on a DTS on the sunny coast of Australia. Since his DTS, he’s pursued his love for …

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You can feel it

You can feel it when He talks with you; that burning in your heart. The warmth of the gospel manifested in your heart. These are the very words of Jesus witnessed by the Holy Spirit in your spirit. Like when you hear testimonies of His love and power come true. This why we call it …

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You can feel it

You can feel it when He talks with you; that burning in your heart. The warmth of the gospel manifested in your heart. These are the very words of Jesus witnessed by the Holy Spirit in your spirit. Like when you hear testimonies of His love and power come true. This why we call it …

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Come inspire and lead

Come inspire and lead the next wave of YWAMers at YWAM Kelowna. Staff a DTS. We have a place for you here, where you can be effective, fruitful and challenged to be all you feel God calling you to. Contact our DTS Leader, Kristen Michael: @kteeple33 . . . .