Remember this song? This

Remember this song? This is our purpose, equipping and activating believers to let their light shine. Core to our Burning LIghts DTS is the idea that we don't just reflect Jesus, Jesus shines through us when we let Him. "Hide it under a bush? Oh no!" Your testimony is POWERFUL! They overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and the power of their testimony! Rev12:11 - Shine baby! Join us Sept 2020 for DTS and let your light shine! .

Remember this song? This is our purpose, equipping and activating believers to let their light shine. Core to our Burning LIghts DTS is the idea that we don’t just reflect Jesus, Jesus shines through us when we let Him. “Hide it under a bush? Oh no!” Your testimony is POWERFUL! They overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and the power of their testimony! Rev12:11 – Shine baby! Join us Sept 2020 for DTS and let your light shine! .

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