“Living a supernatural lifestyle

“Living a supernatural lifestyle involves moving towards Holy Spirit empowered ministry fueled by love and honor, in humility, to advance the kingdom. We have encounters with God, so we become an encounter, so that others can encounter Him too. We need to be filled with the Spirit and power that was in and on Jesus, …

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A word for prophets.

A word for prophets. “I sensed that the Lord was challenging Christians’ perspectives on prophecy. It seemed to me that God was drawing attention to two factors that hinder our ability to fully realize or actualize prophecy. Firstly, if we refuse to acknowledge the fallibility of prophecy, as emphasized in 1 Thessalonians 5, we tend …

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Jamaica we miss you,

Jamaica we miss you, already! It’s only been a week, but you had a lasting impression on us. May you be blessed for all you space you created for God to move. May He move even more, anointing you with His spirit and power, so you can go around doing good and healing for all …

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