
A word for prophets.

A word for prophets.  "I sensed that the Lord was challenging Christians' perspectives on prophecy. It seemed to me that God was drawing attention to two factors that hinder our ability to fully realize or actualize prophecy.  Firstly, if we refuse to acknowledge the fallibility of prophecy, as emphasized in 1 Thessalonians 5, we tend to assume that every thought we "receive" while listening is "right" and "good," coming directly from God. This view can limit the need for humility and the need for unity in the church.  Secondly, if we lack a deep understanding of God's character, limitless abilities, and desires for our life, our dreams will be confined to what we can perceive. This limited perspective combined with an overconfidence in our own prophetic abilities can result in a poverty mindset and prevent us from seeing the bigger picture that God has in store for us.  In essence, these two factors create a perfect storm that keeps us from obtaining a full prophetic insight and vision. We become comfortable believing that our limited thoughts and ideas are sufficient, instead of allowing prophecy to challenge us to think bigger and more like God. God is always calling us to multiply and subdue the earth, not merely to do what we think is possible. Therefore, we need to demand more from prophecy and allow our thoughts and ideas to be subject to the limitless call of God in our lives. We must cultivate a vision that requires God's presence for it to come to fruition in our lives. " - Graeme Morris

A word for prophets.

“I sensed that the Lord was challenging Christians’ perspectives on prophecy. It seemed to me that God was drawing attention to two factors that hinder our ability to fully realize or actualize prophecy.

Firstly, if we refuse to acknowledge the fallibility of prophecy, as emphasized in 1 Thessalonians 5, we tend to assume that every thought we “receive” while listening is “right” and “good,” coming directly from God. This view can limit the need for humility and the need for unity in the church.

Secondly, if we lack a deep understanding of God’s character, limitless abilities, and desires for our life, our dreams will be confined to what we can perceive. This limited perspective combined with an overconfidence in our own prophetic abilities can result in a poverty mindset and prevent us from seeing the bigger picture that God has in store for us.

In essence, these two factors create a perfect storm that keeps us from obtaining a full prophetic insight and vision. We become comfortable believing that our limited thoughts and ideas are sufficient, instead of allowing prophecy to challenge us to think bigger and more like God. God is always calling us to multiply and subdue the earth, not merely to do what we think is possible. Therefore, we need to demand more from prophecy and allow our thoughts and ideas to be subject to the limitless call of God in our lives. We must cultivate a vision that requires God’s presence for it to come to fruition in our lives. ” – Graeme Morris

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