We are ruined for

We are ruined for the ordinary because we took the risks, said yes, and obeyed the call. We have experienced more awesome testimonies because we went. When we choose comfort we don’t need a comforter. It seems, as a good friend said once, annointing is in the going. And others have said faith is spelled: …

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We are ruined for

We are ruined for the ordinary because we took the risks, said yes, and obeyed the call. We have experienced more awesome testimonies because we went. When we choose comfort we don’t need a comforter. It seems, as a good friend said once, annointing is in the going. And others have said faith is spelled: …

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This commission is for

This commission is for us all. Preach in such a way that those around you can access/experience the Kingdom of God. Matthew emphasized the word “Heaven” but the other gospels used the words “Kingdom of God”. He isn’t preaching a message of a destination theology, but a ruling, reigning theology. Jesus came to reinforce God’s …

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This commission is for

This commission is for us all. Preach in such a way that those around you can access/experience the Kingdom of God. Matthew emphasized the word “Heaven” but the other gospels used the words “Kingdom of God”. He isn’t preaching a message of a destination theology, but a ruling, reigning theology. Jesus came to reinforce God’s …

Read moreThis commission is for