
We are so inspired

We are so inspired by the life and testimony of Jesus – this quote by Bill sums it up for us. We desire to be part of Jesus’ story. His-story of power and love invading this earth. We are filled with hope as we anticipate ‘on earth as it is in Heaven’. Can you imagine …

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We are so inspired

We are so inspired by the life and testimony of Jesus – this quote by Bill sums it up for us. We desire to be part of Jesus’ story. His-story of power and love invading this earth. We are filled with hope as we anticipate ‘on earth as it is in Heaven’. Can you imagine …

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Meet Mae Clowe! God

Meet Mae Clowe! God sent us a fireball with this one! She is a passionate, hope-filled, preaching evangelist who longs to see people set free and ignited in their faith! After a radical conversion experience at 39 years old, Mae was totally set free from alcohol and a dysfunctional lifestyle as the Lord showed her …

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Meet Mae Clowe! God

Meet Mae Clowe! God sent us a fireball with this one! She is a passionate, hope-filled, preaching evangelist who longs to see people set free and ignited in their faith! After a radical conversion experience at 39 years old, Mae was totally set free from alcohol and a dysfunctional lifestyle as the Lord showed her …

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Thank you so much

Thank you so much Wagners for pouring into us. What a loving, honoring, leadership experience for us to graft into. You are both such great examples of humility, wisdom, and strength. @cindimarshallwagner @ywammendocinocoast . . . . www.ywamkelowna.org

What an incredible time

What an incredible time of honor and impartation. We really felt the love of the city YWAM Elders, city Pastors and YWAM Mendocino’s Nathan & Cindi Wagner as YWAM Kelowna was commended, commissioned and launched. Thank you all for your blessing and support in this exciting new adventure. . . . . @ywammendocinocoast @ywamvancouver @cindimarshallwagner …

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Thank you so much

Thank you so much Wagners for pouring into us. What a loving, honoring, leadership experience for us to graft into. You are both such great examples of humility, wisdom, and strength. @cindimarshallwagner @ywammendocinocoast . . . . www.ywamkelowna.org

What an incredible time

What an incredible time of honor and impartation. We really felt the love of the city YWAM Elders, city Pastors and YWAM Mendocino’s Nathan & Cindi Wagner as YWAM Kelowna was commended, commissioned and launched. Thank you all for your blessing and support in this exciting new adventure. . . . . @ywammendocinocoast @ywamvancouver @cindimarshallwagner …

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We are ruined for

We are ruined for the ordinary because we took the risks, said yes, and obeyed the call. We have experienced more awesome testimonies because we went. When we choose comfort we don’t need a comforter. It seems, as a good friend said once, annointing is in the going. And others have said faith is spelled: …

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We are ruined for

We are ruined for the ordinary because we took the risks, said yes, and obeyed the call. We have experienced more awesome testimonies because we went. When we choose comfort we don’t need a comforter. It seems, as a good friend said once, annointing is in the going. And others have said faith is spelled: …

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