
Unveiling SSM23 Mission Patch.

Unveiling SSM23 Mission Patch. Here is the 2023 School of Supernatural Missions – mission patch. It represents a prophetic devotion we did last year when preparing for SSM23. The title is “faithful witness”, from David’s words in Psalm 89:37 “like the moon, established forever, a faithful witness in the sky.” Selah. Pictured as a moon …

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Calling all prophetic magi!

Calling all prophetic magi! We celebrated epiphany with our good friend Heather Walker who read the magi blessing over us and taught us the inside outs of being a magi. Magi, or magicians (not rabbit-out-of-hat types but intelligent, educated, religious-scientist types), where king makers traveling from city to city, following prophecies and signs to anoint …

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