SSM Upper Class Room.

SSM Upper Class Room. We are quickly preparing SSM 24. Come join us for our School of Supernatural Missions (SSM) Jan 8th and learn Holy Spirit, the Ruakh, the Pneuma, the life-giving-Spirit of God. Come prepared to have your life changed. “Every single teaching of SSM impacted my life and my understanding deeply ... The move of God was so evident when we were praying for the sick, or sharing gospel in the street or even in the time of worship. If I could I would do the school again just to be in those classes“  Subarna Thibideau

SSM Upper Class Room. We are quickly preparing SSM 24. Come join us for our School of Supernatural Missions (SSM) Jan 8th and learn Holy Spirit, the Ruakh, the Pneuma, the life-giving-Spirit of God. Come prepared to have your life changed. “Every single teaching of SSM impacted my life and my understanding deeply … The move of God was so evident when we were praying for the sick, or sharing gospel in the street or even in the time of worship. If I could I would do the school again just to be in those classes“ Subarna Thibideau

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