Praying for Asbury Revival!

Praying for Asbury Revival! We have been so encouraged by the stories of non-stop days of sustained worship at Asbury University in Kentucky, priming Kentucky for a revival!!! So amazing. Reminds me of the sovereign work done at that sparked the - pray for this spark, fan it into flame with us! Let's see this become a wild fire in the USA!!! Lord follow this with radical undeniable miracles that arrest the atheist nihilistic zeitgeist of our time and unite a nation under you! Our Father, outside of our carnal understanding or measurement, Your name be glorified, set apart, and never be brought low. Your kingdom COME, Your will be DONE, in @asburyuniversity as it is from your perspective. Protect, build, sustain, and multiply this spark all over the nation. Thank you for what you are doing in Asbury! Blessing, blessings, blessings to all involved. We are for you, promoting you, praying for you all!!!! 

Praying for Asbury Revival! We have been so encouraged by the stories of non-stop days of sustained worship at Asbury University in Kentucky, priming Kentucky for a revival!!! So amazing. Reminds me of the sovereign work done at that sparked the – pray for this spark, fan it into flame with us! Let’s see this become a wild fire in the USA!!! Lord follow this with radical undeniable miracles that arrest the atheist nihilistic zeitgeist of our time and unite a nation under you! Our Father, outside of our carnal understanding or measurement, Your name be glorified, set apart, and never be brought low. Your kingdom COME, Your will be DONE, in @asburyuniversity as it is from your perspective. Protect, build, sustain, and multiply this spark all over the nation. Thank you for what you are doing in Asbury! Blessing, blessings, blessings to all involved. We are for you, promoting you, praying for you all!!!!

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