It’s all about your

It's all about your "Yes". What/who are you saying "yes" to? When God moves in your heart and you know it's Him, and you say "Yes!" to the call of God, how long do you stay the course? Long enough to transform your life? Long enough to transform your family's lives, your community? Long enough to change a city, or a nation or the world? Long enough to bring Heaven to Earth? 
This "Yes" is an offensive posture. So many times we take a passive role, or a receiving role when relating to God. It's impossible to please God without faith. (Heb 11:6) It takes action, or effort to move from a posture of consuming to a place of contributing to the work of God on this earth. 
This year, say "Yes" like never before. Commit your NewYear's resolution to resist anything that would cause you to divert from your commitment to partner with God's call on your life. 
Right now, ask Him what it is He is calling you to, and say "Yes!"
. @ywamkelowna @ywammendocinocoast

It’s all about your “Yes”. What/who are you saying “yes” to? When God moves in your heart and you know it’s Him, and you say “Yes!” to the call of God, how long do you stay the course? Long enough to transform your life? Long enough to transform your family’s lives, your community? Long enough to change a city, or a nation or the world? Long enough to bring Heaven to Earth?
This “Yes” is an offensive posture. So many times we take a passive role, or a receiving role when relating to God. It’s impossible to please God without faith. (Heb 11:6) It takes action, or effort to move from a posture of consuming to a place of contributing to the work of God on this earth.
This year, say “Yes” like never before. Commit your NewYear’s resolution to resist anything that would cause you to divert from your commitment to partner with God’s call on your life.
Right now, ask Him what it is He is calling you to, and say “Yes!”
. @ywamkelowna @ywammendocinocoast

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