@art.of.hart is coming to

@art.of.hart  is coming to lead worship at our upcoming Healing Conference with @chuckparry  in 37 days! Shawna, Tim and the boys will be our worship team at our upcoming conference called "A Prayer of Faith | Healing Conference" Do you have your tickets? Are you planning on coming? We are looking forward to hosting these incredible people in Kelowna and we want as many people to benefit from their ministry as possible.  Help spread the word, share this link: https://bit.ly/ChuckParry 

@art.of.hart is coming to lead worship at our upcoming Healing Conference with @chuckparry in 37 days! Shawna, Tim and the boys will be our worship team at our upcoming conference called “A Prayer of Faith | Healing Conference” Do you have your tickets? Are you planning on coming? We are looking forward to hosting these incredible people in Kelowna and we want as many people to benefit from their ministry as possible. Help spread the word, share this link: https://bit.ly/ChuckParry

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