We are running another

We are running another Online Healing & Prophetic Prayer Room and this time in partnership with the folks from @ywammendocinocoast. For all those who need healing in their bodies or an encouraging word join us for a 15-minute private video call with a few team members and friends of YWAM Kelowna. We will be ministering by appointment only so PLEASE let us know if you want a slot. Limited availability.
Please visit: ywamkelowna.org/contact
All appointments will be June 12th, 7:30-9pm PST - via Zoom.
We will provide you with a Zoom link and connection instructions once you have an appointment.

We are running another Online Healing & Prophetic Prayer Room and this time in partnership with the folks from @ywammendocinocoast. For all those who need healing in their bodies or an encouraging word join us for a 15-minute private video call with a few team members and friends of YWAM Kelowna. We will be ministering by appointment only so PLEASE let us know if you want a slot. Limited availability.
Please visit: ywamkelowna.org/contact
All appointments will be June 12th, 7:30-9pm PST – via Zoom.
We will provide you with a Zoom link and connection instructions once you have an appointment.

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