🍁Canadian Charitable Giving Tax Receipt ONLY

Don’t Need One? | Yes, but for USA Tax

Credit Card?

You can give through Charitable Impact as a guest or set up an account to monitor your giving.

If you choose to register, you will also need to find and join our giving group before you can make a donation: YWAM Kelowna | YK22.


Please make your cheque or money order payable to “Youth With A Mission” and include a separate note with the name and code of our Ministry: YWAM Kelowna | YK22. Mail to the address below.

Youth With A Mission
PO Box 57100
RPO East Hastings
Vancouver, BC V5K 5G6


Or Consider e-transfer from your Online Banking account. Simply send the money to admin@projectfunding.ca
REMEMBER: Send a separate email to the same address and let them know your name and address, and the name and code of our base: YWAM Kelowna | YK22. No security question is required!

Auto Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP)?

Complete, print, and mail (or scan and email) this 2 page PDF form, and include a void cheque or preauthorized debit form from your online banking, to the following address:


Youth With A Mission
PO Box 57100
RPO East Hastings
Vancouver, BC V5K 5G6